"The situation in Belarus is
directly related to Lithuania's security interests and compels
Lithuania and the international community to take active
measures to restore democracy in Belarus. We believe that
Lukashenko's regime should be held accountable for crimes
against humanity, forced deportation, and the persecution of
people, as well as other cruel treatments that violate
fundamental international law." Lithuanian Justice Minister
Rimantas Mockus said this during a meeting yesterday in Vilnius
with the exiled leader of the Belarusian democratic opposition,
Svetlana Tikhanovskaya.
Mockus emphasized that the democratic transformation of
Belarus is one of the main goals of the Vilnius government,
adding that Lithuania will continue to promote the collection of
data on actions that violate fundamental international law
carried out by Belarusian authorities against demcratic
opposition and bring the authorities in Minsk to trial before an
international court.