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Go!2025 welcomes the other EU Capital of Culture Chemnitz

Nova Gorica-Gorizia European Capital of Culture 2025 will be inaugurated on 8 February: with a ceremony on the border between Italy and Slovenia, Go!2025 will kick off. It is going to be a year of 'borderless' events in which the two Gorizias will have the opportunity to showcase their life and cultural development without barriers and borders.
    In addition to Nova Gorica, which decided to apply with a joint project together with its twin city of Gorizia, the title of European Capital of Culture 2025 was also awarded to Chemnitz, Germany, not far from the border with the Czech Republic. The German project was inaugurated yesterday. The ceremony was also attended by the mayors of Gorizia, Rodolfo Ziberna, and Nova Gorica, Samo Turel.
    "It was a great emotion to take part, together with my friend Samo Turel and the representatives of Gect and Zavod, in the official inauguration ceremony in Chemnitz," Ziberna said. "The centre of the German city has been transformed into a lively stage, with shows, activities and animation, according to the motto "C the Unseen', that is 'seeing the invisible', in order to strengthen the role of civil society through community-led cultural projects and to build a network of 'European democracy makers'." Many authorities were present, including the President of the Republic of Germany Frank-Walter Steinmeier and ministers from other European countries, including Slovenia.
    "During the ceremony, GO!2025 was mentioned and we received intense applause. And now full steam ahead with the preparations for our inauguration on Saturday 8 February!," Ziberna added.
    Steinmeier refered to the project too, as Ziberna reported. The mayors of Gorizia and Nova Gorica shook his hands while he was sitting in the front row, during the applause dedicated to Go!2025.

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