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Holocaust Memorial Day in Italian schools abroad

Holocaust Memorial Day in Italian schools abroad

IIC and Embassy initiatives in various European cities

ROMA, 31 January 2025, 14:38

ANSA English Desk



The Italian System of Education in the World (SFIM) also celebrated Holocaust Memorial Day with initiatives and activities aimed at students from Italian schools abroad, an essential audience for conveying to the new generations the importance of remembering the atrocities and victims of the Nazi Shoah, 80 years after 27 January 1945 when the Auschwitz concentration camp was liberated.
    The Italian State Institute of Athens organised, in collaboration with the IIC and the Embassy, the event 'Semitic anti-Semitic two prefects in fascist Italy' on the theme of the racial laws, and, in particular, on the human, political and administrative vicissitudes of two prefects of fascist Italy, both affected, but in different ways, by the racial laws of 1938, one for having been, in spite of himself, a proponent of them, the other as a Jew 'of religion and race'. This two-day event was attended by the Italian Ambassador to Greece Paolo Cuculi, Prof. Sonia Zaccaria and historian Gero Difrancesco.
    The Italian State Institute in Paris organised a screening of the documentary '1938 - Diversi' by Giorgio Treves, which again deals with the introduction and consequences of the racial laws in Italy, approved by the Fascist regime in the very year of the film's title.
    The students of the Italian State School in Madrid, with the project "La Memoria: per Non Dimenticare", worked with the works of the writer and Holocaust survivor Primo Levi and the feature films "Life is Beautiful" by Roberto Benigni, "The Boy in the Striped Pajamas" by Mark Herman and "The Pianist" by Roman Polanski, used, through special narrative techniques, as integral parts of an emotional and reflective journey.
    Lastly, the activities of the Italian state school "Casa d'Italia" in Zurich involved reading and analysing the children's book "Otto, Autobiography of a Teddy Bear" by Tomi Ungerer and articles of the Italian Constitution that deal with some of the most important rights and guarantees enshrined in the fundamental law of the state such as equality (Art. 3), freedom of worship (Art. 8, 19, 20), freedom of expression (Art. 21), as well as Art. 34, the foundation of our school system.


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