Innovation, sustainability,
inclusion and emotions are the themes that will guide the debut
of Milano Beauty Week, which is set to take place on May 3-8,
2022 with the aim of becoming an annual collective recurrence.
The event, which is organized by Cosmetica Italia, in
partnership with Cosmoprof and Esxence, will highlight the value
and complexity that characterize the world of cosmetics, as it
takes its place among Milan's rich calendar of week-long trade
The initiative was presented on Thursday at Palazzo Marino in
the presence of, among others, Cosmetica Italia President Renato
Ancorotti, City of Milan Economic Development and Labour
Policies Chief Alessia Cappello, Assolombarda President
Alessandro Spada, Regional Training and Labour Chief Melania
Rizzoli and the philosopher Stefano Zecchi.
The centre of the activity will be the historical Palazzo
Giureconsulti palace, which is a short walk from the Milan Duomo
and will become a Beauty Village, hosting talks with sector
professionals and experts, shows, workshops, charity events and
other beauty experiences.
At the same time, other locations and retail spaces spread
around the city will celebrate beauty with special events.
This first Milano Beauty Week is sponsored by the Lombardy
Regional Government. the City of Milan, the Assolombarda
business association, the National Chamber of Italian Fashion
(Camera Nazionale della Moda Italiana) and the Milan, Lodi,
Monza and Brianza section of retail association Confcommercio.
"Milano Beauty Week is a cultural project that aims to raise
awareness of the excellence of our sector," said Ancorotti,
whose association represents Italian cosmetics businesses.
"Cosmetics is one of the jewels in the crown of Made in Italy,
with turnover of over 12 billion euros and exports of 40%".
Cappello said the event was "episode zero" for the world of
"In this way we want to valorize a sector that offers big job
opportunities, especially for women," Cappello added.
Zecchi said that Milano Beauty Week will be a "collective
testimony to beauty, which has always created visions and life