A rainy front is hitting most of
Italy at the moment and two others are set to follow on Friday
and Saturday, weatherman Lorenzo Tedici said Wednesday, saying
the wettest spell of this winter is now upon us.
Tedici, a meteorologist at ILMeteo.it, explained that the three
phenomena have the same origin, a vast area of low pressure
'blocked' between France and Spain.
"We will experience a difficult Wednesday with a lot of rain in
Liguria, from the north-west to the north-east, from Tuscany to
Calabria with thunderstorms and local hailstorms, a lot of snow
on the Alps above 1400 meters, strong south-westerly winds and
falling temperatures", said Tedici.
After a slight improvement on Thursday, with clearings,
especially in the north, on the Adriatic side and in the far
south, on Friday the second disturbance will bring a lot of rain
to the center-north and a lot of snow on the Alps, but with two
substantial differences: it will not rain in the south, where
temperatures will rise above 30 degrees (in Sicily), but
unfortunately even more wind will blow.
The third and final disturbance will arrive on Saturday with
strong bad weather in the north and in Tuscany; the rain line
will therefore rise even further north than in previous days and
the bad weather will spare the whole south and part of the
Detailed forecast:
- Wednesday 12. In the north: strong bad weather. In the
center: strong bad weather. In the south: bad weather in
Campania, scattered rain elsewhere.
- Thursday 13. In the north: precipitation only on the Alps
and Prealps. center: rain mainly on Tuscany, Umbria and Lazio.
In the south: rain in Campania, almost absent elsewhere.
- Friday 14. In the north: severe bad weather. In the center:
bad weather. In the south: hot and dry.
Oulook: heavy rain on Saturday in the center-north, attenuation
of the phenomena from Sunday.