Militants made Fascist salutes at the
50th anniversary commemoration of the death of a Greek
neofascist youth in Rome on February 28, 1975.
There were fresh 'Roman' salutes and the shout of "present and
correct" in the Capital, for the 50th anniversary of the death
of Miki Mantakas.
This evening, like every year, there was a demonstration by some
far-right militants in Piazza Risorgimento in Rome, on the
corner of Via Ottaviano, to commemorate the university student,
activist of the National League of Greek Students in Italy, and
militant of the National Action University Front (Fuan) killed
in Rome on February 28, 1975 by two bullets in front of the
neofascist National Social Movement (MSI) branch in Via
In addition to the Roman salute, followed by the 'present and
correct' shout repeated three times, there was also a banner
'lui vive lui lotta' (he lives, he fights).
From a window came a loudcry: "viva l'Italia antifascista" (long
live anti-fascist Italy!).