A high school near Sondrio north of Milan has been named Italy's best for the second year running in a survey compiled by the Agnelli Foundation based on the results of the university and work outcomes achieved by former students.
The 'Nervi-Ferrari' liceo in Morbegno, in the province of Sondrio, a scientific high school for applied sciences - with computer science in place of Latin - is the best school in Italy according to the 10th annual 'Eduscopio' interactive map of Italian high schools.
The report analysed the data of over 1.3 million graduates from 7,850 schools in three successive school years from 2017 to 2020.
In Rome, among the classical high schools, the Visconti rose several places to top spot replacing the Giulio Cesare which dropped five slots, with the Mamiani second, up from sixth last year.
The Righi was again the best scientific school in the capital, while the Isaac Newton got into the top 10 for the first time.
In Milan, the top classical slots were occupied by the Casiraghi, Volta and Maria Ausiliatrice, while in Naples the Convitto Vittorio Emanuele II toppled the Sannazzaro among licei classici and the Mercalli came top again for the scientifici.
The best Bolognese schools were again the Galvani and the Copernico while the top spots in Turin were taken by the Cavour and the Edoardo Agnelli, which gained four spots over last year.