(see related)
It is unacceptable to lose one's life
while working, Piemonte Governor Alberto Cirio said on Thursday
after five railway workers were hit and killed by a train
travelling at speed at Brandizzo station near Turin.
"I wanted to be here immediately, as soon as I heard the news,"
said Cirio.
"Today, incidentally, President of the Republic Sergio
Mattarella will be in Piemonte (on a visit to Torre Pellice,
near Turin, ed.), but first it was important to be here, first
of all to express our grief," he continued.
"It is an enormous tragedy that affects the whole Piemontese
community," said the governor, adding that the five victims were
all from the region.
"Above all, we are talking about something that is unacceptable,
because one cannot lose one's life at work," concluded Cirio.