Interior Minister Marco Minniti said Thursday that it was wrong to write off the chances of a a ius soli bill to grant citizenship to the children of migrants who are born in Italy getting approved.
The fact that a schedule for the Upper House agreed on Tuesday featured the ius soli bill at the bottom was seen by some as a sign the legislation had little chance of being approved before the end of the current parliament, with Italy set to have a general election early in 2018.
Indeed, leftwing Progressive Field (CP) leader Giuliano
Pisapia broke off alliance talks with Minniti's Democratic Party
(PD) over this issue on Wednesday, and CP effectively folded.
"Who said that the ius soli won't be approved," Minniti said
at the Più Libri Più Liberi book fair for small publishers.
"The PD and the government are convinced about the ius soli
and I am personally too".