The Municipality of Trieste has
announced that on Friday, February 28, at 9:30 a.m. in Piazza
Unità d'Italia, the Fanfare of the 4th Mounted Regiment of the
Carabinieri will perform a musical show for the public dedicated
to schools. The Fanfare will be led by the Carabinieri's mascot,
vice-brigadier Briciola, a mixed-breed dog who won the "Premio
Fidelity del Cane" in Camogli on August 16, 2019.
The Fanfare on Horseback is made up of 32 musicians,
including the Fanfare Leader, Fabio Tassinari. The unit is the
Carabinieri's oldest musical department, founded in 1829, though
military "trumpeters on horseback" existed as early as 1814.
