Premier Matteo Renzi said Wednesday
Automobili Lamborghini luxury carmaker will create at least 500
jobs after investing some 800 million euros to expand production
at its plant in the small Emilia Romagna town of Sant'Agata
Bolognese, which is also company headquarters.
"And that's just the first step," Renzi said after
government, the carmaker and the Emilia Romagna region inked a
deal to keep Lamborghini's new production in Italy.
"The first new car arrives in 2018, but the project has
already taken off," Renzi added.
Italy beat out an offer from Slovakia to house a new
Lamborghini plant in its capital, Bratislava.
"The Italian package ended up being more competitive," said
Lamborgini President and CEO Stephan Winkelmann.
Italy offered tax incentives of "over 80 million", he said.