As part of "BircaninovaLab", the Residence of the Ambassador of Italy in Serbia, Luca Gori, hosted yesterday evening the event "Artificial intelligence: a tool for progress or a challenge for society?" organised in cooperation with the Serbian Ministry of Science, Technological Development and Innovation. "BircaninovaLab" is a format conceived and implemented by the Italian Embassy in Belgrade, which aims to create a space for discussion and in-depth analysis on the main current issues. A "laboratory" in which to exchange ideas and promote dialogue between Italy and Serbia through discussion and debate with leading figures and experts from both countries.
The event dedicated to Ia was the first event of the review and was opened by Alessandro Aresu, analyst and author of the book 'Geopolitics of Artificial Intelligence'. The topic of AI was then further explored in a panel that analysed the fallout of the use of artificial intelligence in its various fields of application: from politics to human health. During the discussion, Aresu himself was joined by Stefan Badza, Advisor to the President of the Serbian Parliament, Professor Vlado Delic, Professor of Acoustics and Signal Analysis at the Faculty of Technical Sciences at the University of Novi Sad, and Branka Rakic, Head of the Health and Life Sciences Unit at the Institute for Artificial Intelligence in Novi Sad.
"This event dedicated to Ia is the best way to inaugurate our new format BircaninovaLab which, in a series of meetings, will address topical issues, focusing in particular on the challenges of innovation," said Ambassador Gori. "In planning BircaninovaLab," he added, "with the Embassy team we have set two objectives: to promote a broad exchange of ideas between experts and prominent personalities from Italy and Serbia, and to ensure that new bilateral cooperation projects arise from this dialogue".