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Visit to Silesia by the Italian Ambassador to Poland

Visit to Silesia by the Italian Ambassador to Poland

Institutional meetings for Luca Franchetti Pardo

ROMA, 30 January 2025, 16:09

ANSA English Desk



The Ambassador of Italy to Poland, Luca Franchetti Pardo, visited the Silesian Voivodeship, one of the most economically strategic areas of Poland. Accompanied by the director of ICE, Roberto Cafiero, the director of the Italian Cultural Institute in Krakow, Matteo Ogliari, and the Honorary Consul in Krakow, Katarzyna Likus, he met the mayor of the metropolitan city of Katowice and several mayors of neighbouring cities, the President of the Region, the President of the Special Economic Zone, and the Rector of the University of Silesia.
    The visit ended with a meeting with the large Italian business community in the region. Ambassador Franchetti Pardo's mission to Silesia confirmed Sistema Italia's commitment to supporting our economic and business presence through an integrated approach involving institutions, the business world, and academia. The priorities of the visit, organised with the support of the Italian Chamber of Industry and Commerce in Poland (CCIIP), were the strengthening of the intense Italian-Polish industrial relations, the challenges but also the opportunities offered by the energy transition and the new expanding sectors in the region, processes in which Italian companies continue to distinguish themselves for innovation and adaptability, as well as the consolidation of cultural ties between Italy and Silesia.
    Another area of common interest that emerged during the meetings was logistics, where Katowice is a crucial crossroads in east-west and south-north connections, including the European Adriatic-Baltic corridor, which connects the Silesian capital to the ports of Trieste and Venice.


Not to be missed


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