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Italy-Turkey, family businesses as a development model

Italy-Turkey, family businesses as a development model

The new Meetürkitaly event at the Italian Embassy

ROMA, 30 January 2025, 18:17

ANSA English Desk



The Italian Embassy in Turkey hosted a new stage of 'Meetürkitaly', the cycle of meetings promoted to foster the sharing of success stories between Italy and Turkey, at Palazzo di Venezia in Istanbul. The Italian Ambassador to Turkey, Giorgio Marrapodi, introduced family business expert Alessandro Scaglione, author of numerous publications on the subject, for a dialogue on the value of family business continuity as a model of socio-economic success.
    Marrapodi pointed out how, in both Italy and Turkey, family businesses represent the backbone of their respective economies: 'This is a point of contact, a characterising trait, which brings our economies closer together, and which therefore deserved to be put at the centre of this new appointment of our review'.
    During the event, which was attended by representatives of the Italian and Turkish economic and social worlds, the great contribution of family businesses for the two countries and the challenges they face today in an increasingly competitive, interconnected and digital global market were discussed.
    The dialogue also highlighted the value of the family, which 'from being an essential nucleus of society, identity and traditions,' said Scaglione, 'can also become, with the genius and flair that distinguish Italy and Turkey, an economic driver.


Not to be missed


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