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Undersecretary Silli's institutional mission to Mexico

Undersecretary Silli's institutional mission to Mexico

Meetings with the Sheinbaum government's new interlocutors

29 January 2025, 00:53

ANSA English Desk



Undersecretary of State Giorgio Silli went on an institutional mission to Mexico today to make contact with the new interlocutors of President Claudia Sheinbaum's government. During his stay in Mexico City, the undersecretary had an intense schedule of meetings with the Minister of Economy, Marcelo Ebrard, the Undersecretary for Energy, José Antonio Rojas Nieto, and the Undersecretaries for Foreign Affairs for Europe, Maria Teresa Mercado, and for Multilateral Affairs and Human Rights, Enrique Javier Ochoa.
    The prospects of the Italian-Mexican Strategic Partnership - with a particular focus on economic and trade relations, scientific and academic cooperation and synergies in the field of justice and security - were at the centre of the talks with Under-Secretary Mercado, with whom the common commitment to relaunch relations between Italy, the European Union and Latin America and the Caribbean was also confirmed, especially in preparation for the 4th EU-CELAC Summit in Bogotá and the 12th Italy-Latin America and Caribbean Conference.
    The meeting with Under-Secretary Ochoa provided an opportunity to review cooperation within the United Nations, with particular regard to the Security Council reform dossier. The meeting was also a useful opportunity to discuss the main regional dossiers (Venezuela, Nicaragua, Haiti and Cuba) and the prospects of the Central American Integration System (Sica).


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