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Amb. Mangoni hands out award to Italian engineer

Amb. Mangoni hands out award to Italian engineer

Gheduzzi has been working in Romania for 20 years, also involved in social work

ROMA, 28 January 2025, 12:06

ANSA English Desk



Engineer Ulisse Gheduzzi, an Italian manager active in the design and construction sector in Romania, was awarded the Order of the Star of Italy by the Italian Ambassador in Bucharest, Alfredo Durante Mangoni. The motivation for the award notes that Gheduzzi has distinguished himself as a representative of Italian entrepreneurial values in Romania.
    In more than two decades in this country, he has demonstrated an appreciated spirit of cooperation and cohesion with the other actors of the Italian system in Romania. His active involvement in the social sphere has trained young people from social centres, orphanages, shelters and prisons in socially useful activities. Gheduzi also promotes sports activities and the values of Italian sport, particularly cycling.


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