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Perth celebrates 35th anniversary of twinning with city of Vasto

Perth celebrates 35th anniversary of twinning with city of Vasto

ROMA, 27 January 2025, 13:18

ANSA English Desk



The Australian city of Perth welcomed a delegation from the Abruzzi city of Vasto, led by Mayor Francesco Menna, to celebrate the 35th anniversary of the twinning with the capital of Western Australia, represented by Mayor Basil Zempilas. The celebrations were marked by a series of events and institutional meetings, including with the Vasto Club, the Italo-Australian Welfare and Cultural Centre, and the Italian Chamber of Commerce of Perth, which consolidated the ties created over the past decades and opened new prospects for collaboration.
    A key moment of the celebrations, besides the planting of a tree at Lake Vasto to commemorate the anniversary, was the series of meetings with the Perth Municipality, during which strategic issues such as waste management, sustainable mobility and safety were addressed. The delegation, accompanied by Consul of Italy in Perth Sergio Federico Nicolaci, concluded its visit to Western Australia by taking part in the official Australia Day celebrations together with the mayor and local authorities.
    "Vasto and Perth share a unique history, made up of people, values and traditions that have bound us together for 35 years. This twinning is a symbol of friendship that looks to the future, strengthening the roots of a community - that of Vasto - which has contributed decisively to building the social fabric of Perth. It is a bridge between two worlds that allows us to face global challenges together and build new opportunities for growth and collaboration," said Vasto Mayor Francesco Menna.
    Consul Nicolaci added: 'The twinning between Vasto and Perth is more than just a symbolic relationship. It is a living history that continues to grow thanks to the contribution of two communities united by shared stories and values: a concrete example of how culture and history can unite distant communities, forging lasting bonds based on cooperation and friendship between peoples'.
    The celebration confirmed the value of public diplomacy, testifying how town-twinning can foster cooperation on local and global issues, promote the exchange of best practices and deepen bonds of solidarity and friendship between peoples.


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