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Mentana in Berlin presents Liliana Segre's memoirs in German

Mentana in Berlin presents Liliana Segre's memoirs in German

The initiative is of the Italian Institute of Culture

27 January 2025, 20:56

ANSA English Desk



On the occasion of Remembrance Day, the Italian Cultural Institute in Berlin and the Jewish Community of Berlin organised, under the patronage of the Italian Embassy, an evening with journalist Enrico Mentana, who presented the testimony of life senator Liliana Segre, who was deported with her family to the Auschwitz concentration camp. Liliana Segre's memoirs were collected by Mentana in the book 'La memoria rende liberi. The interrupted life of a little girl in the Shoah'.
    This very text was recently published in Germany under the title 'Erinnern macht frei. Das unterbrochene Leben eines Mädchens in der Shoah'. Translator Ulrike Schimming, who spoke with Mentana, also attended the evening, while actress Elettra De Salvo gave a reading of the texts with two musical interludes by pianist Giuseppe Guarrera: this is what a press release from the Italian Embassy in Berlin states.
    Lutz Müller-Bohlen's photographic exhibition 'Suche nach G'tt... In Auschwitz und Birkenau', focusing on current images of the former concentration camps, was also inaugurated on the Jewish Community's premises for the occasion.


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