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Kenya: Malindi space centre opens to Italian visitors

Kenya: Malindi space centre opens to Italian visitors

Initiative of the Italian Embassy and the Italian Space Agency

27 January 2025, 09:25

ANSA English Desk



The Luigi Broglio Space Centre in Malindi, Kenya, opens its doors to Italian visitors. The first 'Open Day' promoted by the Italian Embassy in Kenya and the Italian Space Agency (Asi) was held yesterday. It is an initiative dedicated to Italian tourists that aims to spread awareness among compatriots about national excellence in the space sector and the central role of the Malindi base in the development of aerospace technology.
    The inaugural day was attended by several Italian entrepreneurs from the hospitality sector, who enthusiastically accepted the proposal, taking part in the guided tour of the base's facilities and the new museum dedicated to the scientist Luigi Broglio, who created the first space base for satellite launches in Sub-Saharan Africa, in 1966.
    Inside the museum, inaugurated last October by the Minister of Enterprise and Made in Italy, Adolfo Urso, and the Kenyan Minister of Defence, Sopyan Tuya, the guests viewed the exhibition "Luigi Broglio, a Kenyan trip to the stars", produced by the Italian Embassy in Kenya with the Asi and the Kenya Space Agency. The open days at the space centre will continue during the month of February, in collaboration with the hotels involved.


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