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Italian Wine Exchange 2025 in Dublin with 33 companies

Italian Wine Exchange 2025 in Dublin with 33 companies

Promoted by Ice. Ambassador Faganello among participants

27 January 2025, 14:13

ANSA English Desk



The Dublin 2025 Italian Wine Exchange, promoted by the Ice Office in London, which is also responsible for Ireland, saw the participation of 33 Italian wine producers and about 80 local operators (including importers, distributors, sommeliers, retailers, journalists and wine bloggers) to promote Italian wine in the Republic and establish new business opportunities in the Irish market for Italian companies from various regions of Italy. The event provided an opportunity for tastings and meetings between companies and operators in the sector.
    The event was also attended by the Italian ambassador in Dublin, Nicola Faganello, and the director of the Ice office in London, Giovanni Sacchi, as well as the director of the Enit office in London, Flavio Zappacosta, to develop the significant potential of the synergy between wine exports and tourism promotion. In the first half of 2024 Italian wine imports to Ireland reached €26.287 million, an increase of 1.8% compared to the same period last year. Imports of Italian wines into Ireland have in fact been growing steadily for decades. Looking at the two main segments of the wine sector, both Italian table wine imports (+25.2 per cent) and sparkling wine imports (+21.2 per cent) grew in the first half of 2024. According to Ibec (Confederation of Irish Industry), Italy is Ireland's fifth largest supplier of wine, with a market share of 10.4%.


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