The 'maturità' high-school final
exams kicked off for 536,008 pupils from 27,895 classes on
Wednesday with an Italian written test.
This year the finals fully return to the format used before the
COVID-19 pandemic, with two written exams (three in some cases)
and a final oral test.
Premier Giorgia Meloni and Education Minister Giuseppe
Valditara both released messages on Tuesday wishing the students
well ahead of the exams.
In the Italian exam, students have to write an essay choosing
from seven different options.
These included analysis of texts from Alberto Moravia's The
Indifferent Ones, Salvatore Quasimodo's The Incomparable Land,
Federico Chabod's "idea of nation" and article on the 'Whatsapp
era' by the writer Marco Belpoliti.
Other options regarded a letter former education minister
Patrizio Bianchi wrote to the academic world during the pandemic
and reflections by much-loved late science TV host Piero Angela
and late journalist and writer Oriana Fallaci.