A mural depicting Willy Monteiro
Duarte, a 21-year-old Italo-Cape Verdian chef beaten to death
near Rome last September and posthumously honoured by President
Sergio Mattarella for helping others, was vandalised at the
weekend ahead of Thursday's start of the trial of his alleged
The piece of street art in the Abruzzo town of Pescara showed
Willy, who stepped in to help a friend from a beating before
going down in a flurry of punches and kicks himself in
Colleferro, as a superhero.
Willy's head was bleached out in the vandal attack.
Mixed-martial-art experts and brothers Marco and Gabriele
Bianchi and their friends Mario Pincarelli and Francesco
Belleggia go on trial in Frosinone south of Rome on Thursday.
The brothers were known in their local area for dealing out
They were sentenced to five years and four months in jail last
month for drugs possession.
The brothers were said to control drug distribution in the
Casteli Romani area.