There are threats from the
unscrupulous use of space, President Sergio Mattarella said
"We live in an era of profound geopolitical, technological,
strategic transformations that confirm the need for
professionalism and readiness. Global tensions, the competition
- rather chaotic, in truth - between powers for world
domination, while waiting to resolve the conventional conflict
in Europe, the new hybrid threats from cyber warfare to the
strategic use of space are altering the context of rules
laboriously built by the international community after the
Second World War", Mattarella said, receiving a delegation from
the Italian Air Force at the Quirinale.
"The world of airspace and its defense - added Mattarella - is
rapidly evolving. Military modifications, the great
transformation underway, the development of sixth-generation
aircraft, the introduction of artificial intelligence in
military operations, the growing threats that derive from an
unscrupulous use of the space domain, are all elements that
represent challenges that cannot be avoided".