Female employment has been steadily
growing with the employment rate up by 6.4 points between 2008
and 2024, according to a report released Thursday by the
National Council on the Economy and Labour (CNEL) and statistics
bureau Istat.
The growth was mainly recorded among women over 50, up by 20
percentage points, while the increase between the age of 24 and
34 was only by 1.4 points, according to the survey 'Women's work
amid obstacles and opportunities.
Overall, Istat said this week that a total of 10 million and
221,000 women were in work in January this year.
Meanwhile, the gap with Europe remains high with the employment
rate of women in Italy below the EU average by 12.6 points, the
lowest among the 27 member States, said the report.
Nearly one-fourth of women in employment presented at least one
element of vulnerability, including a short-term contract or an
involuntary part-time contract compared to 13.8% of men,
according to the poll cvarried out by CNEL and Istat
The most vulnerable were young female workers (38.7%), those
residing in the South (31.2%), workers with a low level of
education (31.7% of women with a middle school degree) and
foreign workers (36.5%), per the report.