The Italian government and diplomatic
service are working hard to try to secure the return to Italy of
NGO worker Alberto Trentini, who has been detained in Venezuela
since last November, but it is not very easy, Foreign Minister
Antonio Tajani said Wednesday.
The young man, who is from Venice and reportedly has a health
condition, had travelled to Venezuela on October 17 as part of a
mission of international NGO Humanity and Inclusion, which is
based in France.
He was arrested by Venezuelan authorities on November 15 for
reasons that are still unclear.
"We are continuing to work to try to bring back to Italy" the
Italian aid worker Alberto Trentini, we are not giving up on any
initiative, but I must say that it is not very easy", said
Tajani, who is also deputy premier, on the sidelines of the
event in Milan for the reconstruction of Ukraine.