Italian police on Wednesday seized 46
million euros from the Italian unit of US transportation,
e-commerce, and business service giant Fedex in a probe into
alleged tax fraud involving so-called 'reservoirs pf workers'
who were allegedly employed without benefits.
The Economic and Financial Police Unit of the finance guards tax
police of Milan executed an emergency preventive seizure for
alleged tax fraud, ordered by prosecutors Paolo Storari and
Valentina Mondovì, against the Italian branch of the US giant
FedEx, a leading company "in the transport and express shipping
sector of products", for over 46 million euros.
The investigation, like several others coordinated by the Milan
Public Prosecutor's Office, focuses on the "phenomenon of the
illicit supply of labor" and the so-called "reservoirs" of
workers, who were allegedly not paid "social security and
welfare contributions".
Fedex denies the charges.