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Mattarella visits school after pupils racially abused

Mattarella visits school after pupils racially abused

President also marks Italy's first national day of respect

ROME, 20 January 2025, 11:15

ANSA English Desk



President Sergio Mattarella on Monday visited Palermo's De Amicis-Da Vinci school after learning two of its pupils, originally from Ghana and Mauritius, had been the victims of racial abuse.
    The pair were subjected to racist insults in front of a bookshop in Palermo a few days ago while taking part in an initiative with their classmates to raise money to buy books. On Monday the head of State also issued a message for Italy's first 'National Day of Respect', which takes place on birthday of a 21-year-old Cape Verdian-Italian man beaten to death by a gang of bullies near Rome in 2020, Willy Monteiro Duarte.
    Established by Parliament last year, the day is intended to help raise public awareness of the need to prevent and combat bullying and cyberbullying.
    "Respect is a universal value in every dimension," Mattarella said.
    "Respect for oneself, respect for others, respect for the planet: they are the first steps towards a liveable society, which takes on the criteria of solidarity, social cohesion, mutual acceptance, sustainability".


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